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犀牛云 2023-04-21
浏览次数: 62






图1 飓风翻译大数据:近两年发表的论文各研究方向的占比





1、Fog scavenging of particulate matters in air pollution events: Observation and simulation in the  Yangtze River Delta, China》,Science of the Total Environment.

(1) The ground and vertical PM2.5 concentration in fog processes that occurred in south Jiangsu of            china was discussed.
(2) The fog scavenging coefficients on PM2.5 concentration are mostly 54%-65%.
(3) Higher fog scavenging coefficient occurred in the fog formation and enhancement processes.
(4) PM2.5 concentration on the ground is lower than the vertical area the fog.


2、《Impact of atmospheric thermodynamic structures and aerosol radiation feedback on winter regional persistent heavy particulate pollution in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, China》,Science of the Total Environment.
(1) 800–700 hPa warming always presents during regional persistent heavy pollution.
(2) Atmospheric advection and terrain favor pollution maintenance.
(3) Diurnal vertical motions can regulate pollution variations.
(3) Aerosol radiation has positive feedback on pollution persistence and intensity.


3、《Observation and simulation study on the macro–microphysical characteristics of a coastal fog offshore Zhejiang Province of China》,Atmospheric Research.


(1) Condensational growth is the main microphysical process for the fog formation and burst, however, the collision–coalescence process is important as well.

(2) The top-cooling entrainment is the main reason for the fog dissipation.


4、《Spatio-temporal distribution of the rainstorm in the east side of the Helan Mountain and the possible causes of its variability》,Atmospheric Research.
(1) The rainstorm with large magnitude and high intensity is mainly located in the mountainous region of the study area, and it mainly occurs in July with a high frequency period from afternoon to the first half of the night.
(2) The spatio-temporal distribution of rainstorm in the east side of the Helan Mountain is closely related to the nighttime enhancement of the low-level southeasterly jet and the interaction between the low-level jet and the mountainous topography.


5、《Lightning disaster risk zoning in Jiangsu Province of China based on the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method》,Front. Environ. Sci.


(1) The lightning disaster risk zoning map of Jiangsu Province is presented.

(2) The risk of lightning disaster in Jiangsu is low in the north and high in the south.


6、《Analysis on the variation of hydro-meteorological variables in the Yongding River Mountain area driven by multiple factors》,Remote Sens.

(1) The annual natural runoff of three hydrological stations in the Yongding River basin all has a significant decreasing trend and abrupt changes from 1956 to 2016.
(2) The NDVI in the basin show an increasing trend, while the groundwater level and land water storage decrease significantly.


7、《How to choose credible ensemble members for the subseasonal to seasonal prediction of precipitation?》,Climate Dynamics

(1) Different ensemble forecast strategies are adopted in different regions to construct a deterministic ensemble forecast using an Optimal Probabilistic Threshold (DEFOPT) method for precipitation prediction.
(2) The DEFOPT outperforms the deterministic forecast from one initial value, the ensemble mean, and the deterministic ensemble forecast over China during each pentad in most S2S models.


8、《Spatio-temporal accuracy evaluation of MSWEP daily precipitation over the Huaihe River Basin, China: A comparison study with representative satellite- and reanalysis-based products》,J. Geogr. Sci.

(1) MSWEP V2.1 & V2.2 are compared with three representative precipitation estimates at daily scale.
(2) An index of S (Structure) is introduced to evaluate the ability of reproducing spatial patterns of precipitation.
(3) Precipitation spatial autocorrelation and accuracy of different precipitation intensities of source datasets should be considered in MSWEP improvements.


9、《Macro- and microphysical characteristics of different parts of mixed convective-stratiform clouds and differences in their responses to seeding》,Adv. Atmos. Sci.

(1) Enhanced convective activity occurs with higher cloud tops in response to seeding in convective cloud regions.
(2) Dynamic seeding mechanism is involved in the convective cloud region, resulting in more and larger precipitation particles.
(3) Conversion of liquid to ice particles is accelerated with weaker radar echoes around the seeding layer in the stratiform cloud region.


10、《Typical modes of the wind speed diurnal variation in Beijing based on the clustering method》,Front. Phys

(1) There are mainly five to seven clusters of typical characteristics of the wind speed diurnal variation at different stations in Beijing, and the number of clusters near the city is smaller than that in the suburbs.
(2) The low-speed clusters of wind mainly locate in the city with a significant increasing trend, while the high-speed clusters and the monotonous clusters of wind locate in the suburbs with a decreasing trend.


11、《Response of cloud and precipitation properties to seeding at a supercooled cloud-top layer》,Earth and Space Science

(1) Satellite observations showed significant icing cloud tracks after seeding near cloud tops abundant in supercooled liquid water.
(2) Radar observations confirmed the enhanced radar reflectivity echoes in the seeded regions.
(3) In regions seeded with supercooled water, droplets quickly transformed to ice crystals, causing cloud-top sinking and precipitation.


12、《Sensitivity of boundary layer schemes in simulating the asymmetric rainfall of landfalling typhoon Lekima (2019)》,Front. Earth Sci.

(1) The simulated track and intensity are quite sensitive to the choice of the PBL scheme.
(2) PBL1 and the other sensitivity experiments simulate more axisymmetric precipitation distribution.
(3) The differences of PBL1 simulation from CTL are due to larger enthalpy flux, higher PBL height, and eddy diffusivity extending more into the free atmosphere in PBL1.


13、《A 10-year climatology of midlevel mesoscale vortices in China》,J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.

(1) The mesoscale vortices can be classified into three categories: mesoscale convective vortex (MCV), mesoscale stratiform vortex (MSV) and mesoscale dry vortex (MDV).
(2) A 10-year climatology of mesoscale vortices in China is obtained.
(3) MCV is active in summer, MDV in winter, and MSV in spring and autumn.


14、《The compound effect of spatial and temporal resolutions on the accuracy of urban flood simulation》,Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

(1) The finer the temporal resolution is, the higher the simulation accuracy of the maximum inundated water depth.
(2) As the grid interval becomes smaller, the relative error of the maximum inundated water depth decreases.


15、《Comprehensive analysis of Typhoon Nangka based on the satellite data from the GPM, CloudSat and Himawari-8》,Atmosphere

(1) The genesis and development processes of Typhoon Nangka (2015) are investigated based on the observation of three satellites: Himawari-8, CloudSat and GPM.
(2) Stratiform precipitation was dominant in the inner rainband, both the precipitation type (stratiform or convective) and intensity were distributed unevenly in the outer rainband.
(3) The coverage range of cirrus clouds was close to the radius of typhoon.


16、《Lightning identification method based on deep learning》,Atmosphere.

(1) A deep learning method called Lightning-SN was developed and used for cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning identification.
(2) The Lightning-SN improved the segmentation accuracy of the CG lightning location compared with the traditional threshold method.


17、《Early warning signals of dry-wet transition based on the critical slowing down theory: An application in the two-lake region of China》,Atmosphere

(1) There was a significant dry-to-wet (wet-to-dry) event around 1993 (2003) in the two-lake region during the last 60 years.
(2) The critical-slowing-down phenomenon can be taken as an early warning signal for the dry-to-wet (wet-to-dry) events.


18、《Non-stationarity of aerosol extinction coefficient per unit of mass in autumn and winter in Chengdu, China》,Atmosphere.

(1) The time series of aerosol extinction coefficient per unit of mass in autumn and winter in Chengdu is non-stationary.
(2) The interaction between RH and aerosol component structure factors significantly affects the aerosol extinction coefficient per unit of mass.


19、《Impact of the levels of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures on air quality: A case study of Jiangsu Province, China》,Atmosphere.

(1) The higher the level of pandemic prevention and control (PPC) measures, the greater the reduction was in air pollutant concentrations.
(2) NO2 was the most sensitive to PPC policies.
(3) The response speed of air quality to different levels of PPC measures varied greatly among different cities.


20、《Comparison between warmsector and frontal heavy rainfall events in South China and the objective classification of warmsector heavy rainfall events》,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.

(1) A total of 402 warm-sector heavy rainfall (WSHR) and 528 frontal heavy rainfall (FHR) events are identified in South China from 1981 to 2020.
(2) The FHR events mainly start around 0000 BST, while the start time of WSHR events is relatively evenly distributed from 2300 to 0300 BST.
(3) Synoptic circulations of WSHR events are objectively classified into five types.


21、《Identifying supercooled liquid water in cloud based on airborne observations: Correlation of cloud particle number concentration with icing probability and proportion of spherical particles》,J. Meteor. Res.

(1) The correlation among cloud particle number concentration, the proportion of spherical particles and the probability of icing in supercooled stratiform and cumulus-stratus clouds is statistically analyzed.
(2) We propose a method to identify supercooled liquid water areas using cloud particle number concentration and ambient temperature.


22、《Cloud water resource in North China in 2017 simulated by the CMA-CPEFS cloud resolving model: Validation and quantification》,J. Meteor. Res.

(1) We develop a coupled mesoscale and cloud-resolving model to conduct CWR (cloud water resource) numerical quantification in North China. The water budget error is less than 0.2%, which indicates a good water balance.
(2) The spatio-temporal features of the CWR in North China are studied.


23、《Diagnostic quantification of the cloud water resource in China during 2000–2019》, J. Meteor. Res.
(1) The three-dimensional cloud fields of 1°×1° resolution during 2000–2019 in China are obtained by using the diagnostic quantification method for cloud water resource (CWR).
(2) Then, combined with the Global Precipitation Climatology Project products, a 1°×1°
CWR dataset of China in recent 20 years is established.
(3) The CWR characteristics in China and its six weather-modification sub-regions are analyzed.


24、《Characteristics of an explosive cyclone over Northeast China revealed by satellite water vapor imagery》,Journal of Tropical Meteorology.
(1) Different shapes of the WV image dark zones could reflect different stages of the explosive cyclone.
(2) The dynamic dry band is an important signal in forecasting the explosive cyclone.
(3) Explosive cyclone usually occurs in the left-exit region of the 200-hPa jet and the region ahead of the 500-hPa trough.


25、《Circulations and thermodynamic characteristics of different patterns of rainstorm processes in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain》,Journal of Tropical Meteorology.

(1) The occurrences of rainstorm processes in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain are most closely related to three circulation patterns.
(2) Rainstorm centers are located on the left of the large-value centers of water vapor and
thermal instability in the lower layer, that is, the left side of the low-level jet axis.


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    挥别难忘的大疫三年,大家都收获坚信而难忘时光,也是那份艰辛和坚持,才成就了今天的你。2023年在希望中翻开全新的篇章,飓风翻译依然是你最值得信赖的伙伴,用精致的服务始终陪在大家身边。      根据飓风翻译大数据分析:过去两年飓风翻译累计为300余名作者的500多篇文章提供了翻译、润色、预审、查重等服务,其中已经见刊和已被录用的文章数量超过400篇,飓风翻译周到的服务也收获很多用户的点名致谢。       图1给出了近两年发表的文章中各研究方向的百分比分布,由图可见当前气候变化及预测、天气学、中尺度动力学和环境气象的仍是气象学的主要研究方向,相关文章占比达接近50%。值得注意的是,近两年来“大数据和机器学习”方向的文章显著增多,占比已达9%。可见大数据和机器学习已经成为气象领域的最新热门研究方向之一。图1 飓风翻译大数据:近两年发表的论文各研究方向的占比         下面是近两年以来飓风翻译服务过的并已发表的论文选集:详细信息:1、《Fog scavenging of particulate matters in air pollution events: Observation and simulation in the  Yangtze River Delta, China》,Science of the Total Environment.Highlights:(1) The ground and vertical PM2.5 concentration in fog processes that occurred in south Jiangsu of          &#...
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    “ 飓风翻译,译无止尽”4年时光荏苒,4年一路相伴,感谢有您,愿一起扬帆,继续远航!转眼之间南京飓风翻译4周岁啦,4年来经历过太多的艰辛和不易,各位新老朋友的支持和信任陪伴我们闯过这一路的风雨。我们秉持“精致翻译,精细服务”的理念,全心服务气象及相关交叉学科的专家学者,平台用户人数突破800+,论文语言服务1000余篇。完成了《天气学原理》等高校慕课、气候评估报告、专业书籍、气象专业网站、气象行业规范等的中英互译;完成了2019年武汉军运会等重大活动的气象服务手册的英文翻译。根据飓风翻译的大数据,绘制了近4年来我们处理的论文的地区分布,可以从一个侧面反映各省论文发表的情况,供大家参考。南京飓风翻译今年11月获批江苏省第七批科技型中小企业。双喜临门之际,为回馈广大会员的关注和一直以来的支持,特举办以下会员福利活动。01 // 会员群红包抢不停2021年12月17日,飓风翻译会员群里连续5次发红包,每次抢得金额前10名,获飓风翻译四周年小礼品和京东购物卡100元。奖励可累计。每个群共派发红包1000元和购物卡5000元,纪念礼品50份。飓风翻译的新老客户可添加我们的客服微信进群,微信号:hurricane_translate,二维码:02 // VIP卡派送(可享折扣优惠)自2017年开始,在我们飓风翻译处理过6篇及以上论文的作者,可自动获得飓风翻译VIP卡,可享受论文服务的折扣优惠,具体优惠方案可由作者自行选择。请满足条件的主动联系申请。活动最终解释权由飓风翻译所有。
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    2021年已经翻开新的篇章,回顾过去的一年,经历过太多的艰辛和不易,但是飓风翻译用精致的服务始终陪在大家身边。2020年飓风翻译协助国内知名高校完成《天气学分析》等三门课程的翻译并上线服务;为多家世界500强企业提供项目投资的气候评估报告翻译润色,获得了多方的认可和赞赏。2020年下半年飓风翻译累计为87名作者的100多篇文章提供了翻译、润色、预审、查重等服务。根据用户回访数据统计:2019年至2020年,已经投稿的文章接受率超过了75%。看到大家硕果累累,得到大家信任和感激,特别是看到大家文章致谢部分有对我们的感谢时,我们付出再多也值得了。2021年全新的开始,飓风翻译期待和大家继续远航。2020年下半年部分见刊的由飓风翻译进行语言处理的文章,摘选如下:序号稿件编号服务内容题 目期刊名称发表时间1T0080翻译Spin-up Characteristics With Three Types of Initial Fields and the Restart Effects on Forecast Accuracy in the GRAPES Global Forecast SystemGeoscientific Model Development2020.112T0235翻译Possible Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature on the Proportion of Rapidly Intensifying Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones during the Extended Boreal SummerJournal of Climate2020.113T0213翻译Dominant Influence of E...
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    飓风翻译2020上半年发表论文选集2020年上半场悄然结束,新冠疫情的爆发也不能阻止大家发表论文的决心,飓风翻译的精致服务也是一如既往。这半年大家收获颇丰,我们的老师们也是付出了无数的日夜,欣慰的是我们的努力得到了大家的认可,再多的汗水也都值得了。感谢大家的信任和支持,下半年继续共同前进。 部分上半年见刊的飓风翻译处理的文章情况如下:
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    详细信息:    (1)    T1047,JAS    (2) R0043, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology    (3)T1001,Journal of Climate    (4)P0001, APR      预审的稿件,飓风翻译邀请的审稿专家对稿件提出了修改意见。作者按专家的要求修改后,成功录用APR。刊出后的稿件采用了我们建议的文章题目。原始稿件:         刊出后:      (5)P1016,大气科学学报,这是一篇中文的预审的稿件       这只是2019年下半年诸多见刊文章中的一部分。祝福大家2020年再创佳绩,SCI源源不断!了解更多,请扫码加We !










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