From Nov. 30th to Dec. 9th, 2013, an unusual ten-day persistent fog episode occurred in Jiangsu Province. In the episode, wide range of strong dense fog appeared in nine days, and extremely dense fog occurred in seven of the nine days.
2、名词后跟有of 短语时,要加定冠词the,
Strong dense fogs and extremely dense fogs have been detected almost every year since the visibility of fog was first observed in 2006.
3、名词特指时用定冠词the,所谓特指,实际上就是一个名词带有限定性定语或限定性定语从句, 使这个名词专指某个或某些特定的人或事物,
In some case, the previous light rain enhanced the air humidity near the surface.
In fact, the speed at which MCS moves depends upon the steering flow.
4、在序数词、形容词最高级以及形容词only,very,same 等前面通常加定冠词the,
He was the first to study the morphology of the sea fog.
Hunan Province lies to the south of the Yangtze River.
Spain is in the south of Europe.)
China is in the east of Asia.
the Taiwan Straits, the Persian Gulf, the English Channel
例如黄河( the Yellow River) ,太平洋( the Pacific) 等。
山脉、群岛之前,例如喜马拉雅山脉( the Himalayas)
如:某些国家的名字, the People’s Republic of China, the United States of America。
某些组织机构,比如中国气象局(the China Meteorological Administration)中国气象学会(the Chinese Meteorological Society),中国科学院( the Chinese Academy of Sciences) 等。
报刊杂志、会议等的名称,气象学报(the Journal of Meteorological Research)
8、当所谈及的事物或人十分明显, 不会使人产生误解时,表示这些事物或人的名词要加定冠词the,
The sun rises in the east.
如:她研究气象学。She studied the meteorology.
10、定冠词the 也有表示类别的作用
定冠词the 加在单数可数名词前可表示普遍意义,代表一类人或东西,称为非特指或整体the。当从整体类属的观点来看待某一类人或东西时,可以使用定冠词the,如:The wind speed is measured in m/s.
11、另外,定冠词的使用比较复杂,在许多情况下,出于习惯,很难说有什么道理,例如in the front of,at the back of, in the city, in the distance, on the whole,by the way,go to the theatre 等等。这种情况主要靠平时积累。
这里,我们给出了气象论文中the的十种常用情形,并不全面,更多的使用心得还要靠平时论文写作时积累。有任何疑问或者不同意见,欢迎随时联系我们飓风翻译(the Hurricane Translation)。这里要加the哦 :)